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Peace Essence

Thank you to so many of you who have purchased this creation – it really is a joint effort between Katrino of Yogi Oils and myself. We loved doing the workshop with so many of you and I hope we can do this again and definitely in person.

It wasn’t until after it was produced that I had a moment where I realized that Mary Magdalene was included in the joint effort. I have found it difficult over the years to talk about Ascended Masters and higher beings thinking I was just making them up and I needed proof of their existence. I was brought up in the Church of Scotland and was at one time a Sunday School teacher but I never quite understood how there could only be one way of thinking as I used to often think about other religions and how they thought their way was right and then people with no religion who seemed to live just fine.

I have a deep yearning for India/Tibet/Bhutan culture and history and so when I read that Jesus has travelled there and studied with yogic masters and sages he became more accessible to me.

It's my belief he studied vibration and understood how to be aligned to his higher self and source and so his alignment allowed others vibration to raise when in his presence much like when we meet someone who is confident in their self, we tend to be drawn towards them and feel inspired – it is their vibration we are drawn to as we recognize it as home on an energetic level.

So for me Jesus is an example of someone who understands the soul in an earthly body.

Mary Magdalene, I believe was the same, the ultimate Divine Feminine to his Divine Masculine, where we want to be within ourselves balancing both.

She walked the Earth at a time of great Masculine dominance and so to stay compassionate and connected to her mission was a huge achievement and one to be admired.

To be honest, I have always been fascinated with both and have read many books on Mary Magdalene’s travels to France and Britain and I studied Essenian healing which was derived from channeled messages from her about how medicine in the future will be more energetic based.

I have always felt a little fear of her but now I am realizing this is because I was afraid of accepting my own Divine Feminine wisdom and sharing my knowledge and beliefs.

I work with a teacher who is connected to the Pleiadians and we have together released a lot of persecuted lives where I was lightworker. The last session I had I released an Essenian lifetime where I had been chained for my beliefs – with that gone, I was told this is my Easter and my rebirth and Jesus is one of my main guides. I was given a dozen red roses from Mary Magdalene which hold light codes to be released where I am called to go.

The Peace Essence, I know for sure is one of these codes and I truly believe is to remind us we are Peace, it’s the medicine we all need, the currency we should be using and the fragrance we need to share.

I am continuing to trust my intuition and my connections and know that you also are here to bring the Peace and the light, firstly to ourselves then to whoever we meet or wherever we go.

Recognise everyone is looking for Peace but perhaps sometimes feels inaccessible, its innate to your heart. The biggest gift you can give someone is to rekindle their knowing when they have strayed from the Peace path. Like the Masters, keep focussed on bringing Peace to Earth, it's all of our missions and we all have a unique way of bringing it. There can never be too much Peace and I hope if you have purchased some of the essence it has brought Peace to you



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